Group meetings and Game Science

So this past week was for both group meetings and meeting with the game science class, who are creating an interactive for our website. The meeting went pretty well, just helped us to narrow down our research even further and focus on the website creation. When we met with game science, they seemed to like what we had going on and we checked out some of the work they’ve done for their course so we have an idea on what to expect. I went over with one of our groups a pretty nice idea for an interactive where the user plays a controllable figure and learns more about the music and dance of the festival. I for one am quite a fan of this idea, with the only issue we can really think of is that the game won’t fit on the website. While this would be a pretty big concern we’re all in agreement that it can be done. I always provided them with a list of important people we can use in the interactive and shared our research notes with them as well, so they’ve got more than enough material to use if need be. I’m very excited to see how the partnership between game programming and our own work goes.

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